Website Analysis


1,What is the purpose of the website?

The purpose of this website is to bring all the latest football news to the people who have an interest in sport and have access to the internet.

2,Who are it’s intended audience?

Skysports intended audience are people who have an interest in the sports they have to offer which consist of football, formula 1 and golf for examples.

3,Why is it successful or unique?
Could it be considered Web 2.0? (populated by User Generated Content UCG)

It is successful as they have many licenses all over the world which help bring more football news to our computers.

4,How many visitors/hits does it get?

5,Who created this site? Is it created by a team or an individual?

The content of the website is created by many journalists.

6,What else have you found out about this website?


1,What is the purpose of the website?

Allows users to sell and buy  products through an online auction in which users from the internet bid on an item.

2,Who are it’s intended audience?

The intended audience is people who have access to the internet and are looking to buy items from online.

3,Why is it successful or unique?
Could it be considered Web 2.0? (populated by User Generated Content UCG)

Ebay is a success because it brings the ability to users to sell and buy items at a low cost  over the internet and enabling people to become entrepreneurs over the internet.

4,How many visitors/hits does it get?

As of January 2013, eBay gets about 1,522,410 hits or unique visitors each day.

5,Who created this site? Is it created by a team or an individual?

Pierre Omidyar

6,What else have you found out about this website?


1,What is the purpose of the website?

This website allows users to choose an item that they want to buy and the site will compare the prices for this item in many different shops in the uk.

2,Who are it’s intended audience?

The intended audience are shoppers, this site will help the find the cheapest prices for the items they want to buy.

3,Why is it successful or unique?
Could it be considered Web 2.0? (populated by User Generated Content UCG)

There are many of these sites available to use but this website allows the comparison of prices on a wider variety of things such as gas and energy prices.

4,How many visitors/hits does it get?

5,Who created this site? Is it created by a team or an individual?

Simon Nixon, student at the time.

6,What else have you found out about this website?

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